Toluene diisocyanate manufacturer News Following Beijing, Zhejiang Province also cracks down on takeaway plastic!

Following Beijing, Zhejiang Province also cracks down on takeaway plastic!

In order to standardize the recycling of take-out plastics and comprehensively deepen the control of plastic pollution, the Zhejiang Provincial Development and Reform Commission recently formulated the “Zhejiang Province Take-out Plastic “Zero Waste” Work Plan”.

Favorable to waste plastic recycling companies

The “Work Plan” preliminarily determines the operating model, solutions, incentives and penalty rules. The key contents are as follows:

1. By the end of 2023, open up the chain of takeout consumption and plastic waste recovery and recycling in key areas such as universities, and take the lead in forming a “zero waste” operation model for takeout plastics.

2. Establish a green recycling identification system for take-out plastic packaging, and match, record, and summarize green recycling behaviors in real time through scanning codes and other methods. The relevant data information is connected to the Zhejiang Carbon Inclusive Platform.

3. Find solutions from the source and discover a list of companies that produce takeaway plastic alternative products.

4. Increase efforts to standardize the recycling of takeaway plastic waste, and entrust recycling and disposal companies to conduct unified removal and recycling.

5. Support the research and development and production of green materials for takeaway plastic packaging based on the orientation of being recyclable, easily recyclable, and degradable.

6. Support the production of plastic substitute products and the construction and expansion projects of key enterprises in the recycling of waste plastics to be included in major provincial industrial projects.

7. Incorporate the recycling of low-value recyclables, plastic pollution control and other related contents into the policies and regulations related to the green and low-carbon transformation of Zhejiang Province, and clarify the rights, obligations and relevant penalties of all parties.

Plastic waste from takeaways is skyrocketing, and Beijing is the first to pilot it

As of December 2022, the number of takeaway users in my country has increased to 520 million. There are many takeout platform merchants and different ingredients are packaged in a variety of ways. It is difficult to accurately estimate how much plastic waste is generated by takeout across the country. A large amount of takeout plastic waste is mixed into domestic waste for disposal.

Professor Wen Zongguo, director of the Circular Economy Industry Research Center of the School of Environment at Tsinghua University, once pointed out that my country will generate more than 17 billion takeout orders in 2020, growing at a rate of about 30% to 40% every year. By 2023, the amount of plastic waste generated from takeaways may be between 600,000 and 1 million tons.

Professor Wen Zongguo pointed out that to effectively control the problem of plastic pollution from takeaway waste, the best way at present is to recycle and reuse.

At the end of October this year, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission took the lead in announcing that it had begun to explore the establishment of a full chain recycling system for lunch boxes of “recycling sites-community transfer stations-renewable resource sorting centers”.

Meituan Qingshan Plan will work with three recycling companies, including Beijing Guangli Fuyuan Recycling Resource Recycling Market Co., Ltd., Beijing Love and Self-improvement Materials Recycling Center, and Beijing Huajingyuan Environmental Management Co., Ltd., in Changping, Chaoyang, Shunyi, Xicheng and other districts. Some areas where takeout is concentrated are used as pilot projects to set up separate takeout lunch box recycling bins at garbage classification points to carry out large-scale takeout plastic lunch box recycling.

It is believed that as more and more provinces and cities take the lead in participating, summing up experience based on multiple pilots, and continuously expanding the coverage of take-out lunch box recycling, it will be conducive to comprehensively promoting the recycling and recycling of plastic lunch boxes.

Attachment: Zhejiang Province’s “Zero Waste” Work Plan for Takeaway Plastics

According to the deployment of plastic pollution control work in our province, this plan is specially formulated in order to launch the implementation of “zero waste” work on take-out plastics and establish a typical model of take-out plastic reduction cycle.

1. Overall requirements

(1) Overall idea

Unite takeout plastic product manufacturers, takeout platforms, consumers, recycling and disposal units and other types of entities to “form a takeout plastic reduction alliance, improve a recycling network, establish a green incentive mechanism, and publish a batch of packaging green standards “As the focus, promote the large-scale centralized utilization of low-value recyclables such as take-out plastics, and accelerate the establishment of a typical take-out plastic waste reduction and recycling model that can be operated in the market and can be replicated and promoted.

(2) Main objectives

By the end of 2023, we will open up takeout consumption and its plastic waste recovery and recycling chain in key areas such as universities, and take the lead in forming a “zero waste” operation model for takeout plastics. By 2025, the “zero waste” model will be actively promoted in various schools, business buildings, communities and other areas, and significant progress will be made in the province’s take-out plastic reduction and recycling work.

2. Key Measures

(1) An alliance: Forming a province-wide takeout plastic reduction alliance

Organize takeout platforms, settled merchants, university representatives, disposal companies, catering associations, renewable resource recycling associations and other parties to jointly establish the province’s takeout plastic reduction alliance to track and monitor the progress of the work, coordinate and promote key tasks; hold plastic reduction seminars, Theme activities include launching an initiative to reduce plastic consumption; standardizing the operation and management of the takeout industry and consolidating the responsibilities of takeout merchants; strengthening the connection between the supply and demand markets and releasing a list of manufacturers of takeout plastic alternative products, etc. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Department of Education, Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, Shanghai Lazars Information Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology, Hangzhou Fulun Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., etc.)

(2) A network: improving the take-out plastic recycling network

1. Properly lay out waste collection facilities

The takeout platform companies are responsible for rationally configuring recycling facilities in areas where large amounts of takeout plastic waste are generated, such as university dormitories and canteens, and the universities are responsible for the post-operation and maintenance management of the collection facilities. (Responsible units: Shanghai Lazars Information Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Dianzi University)

2. Establish a green recycling identification system

Takeout platform companies and universities have strengthened cooperation, set up code scanning signs on collection facilities, and established a green recycling identification system for takeout plastic packaging. Through code scanning and other methods, green recycling behaviors can be matched, recorded, and summarized in real time. Relevant data information and Zhejiang Carbon Plan Hui platform is connected. (Responsible units: Shanghai Lazars Information Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Dianzi University, Provincial Development and Reform Commission)

3. Strengthen standardized recycling and utilization

Increase the frequency of takeout plastic waste removal and increase standardized recycling of takeout plastic waste. Promote cooperation between universities, takeaway platforms, recycling and disposal companies, etc., negotiate clear prices, and entrust recycling and disposal companies to unify the transportation and recycling. (Responsible units: Hangzhou Dianzi University, Shanghai Lazars Information Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Fulun Ecological Technology Co., Ltd.)

4. Cultivate key enterprises in disposal and utilization

We will solidly promote the construction of key cities in the national waste material recycling system, actively cultivate key recycled plastic recycling enterprises, and accelerate the industrialization process of waste plastic recycling. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Hangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Ningbo Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Jiaxing Municipal Development and Reform Commission)

(3) A set of mechanisms: Promote the establishment of a green life incentive mechanism

1. Motivate college students to participate

The green recycling behavior of take-out plastic waste will be included in the comprehensive evaluation system for college students’ ideological and moral behavior, and volunteer activities participating in the pilot will be counted as volunteer service hours. Relying on school resources, we regularly organize garbage classification knowledge competitions and other activities to actively promote green and low-carbon lifestyles and strengthen students’ guidance on green consumption. (Responsible units: Provincial Department of Education, Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology)

2. Connecting Zhejiang’s carbon inclusive application scenarios

Expand the Zhejiang Carbon Inclusive Application Scenarios, calculate carbon points for takeout green consumption, green recycling and other scenarios during the pilot process, and integrate them into the Zhejiang Carbon Inclusive Platform to provide carbon points and equity incentives. (Responsible units: Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Shanghai Lazars Information Technology Co., Ltd.)

(4) A batch of standards: Accelerate the formulation of green standards for takeaway packaging

Support enterprises and social groups in emerging fields such as takeout and e-commerce to participate in the formulation of group standards for takeout plastic packaging and release green design guidelines for takeout tableware. Actively carry out green certification of plastic recycled products to increase market added value. (Responsible units: Shanghai Lazars Information Technology Co., Ltd., Provincial Market Supervision Bureau)

3. Organization and implementation

In October 2023, a work kick-off meeting will be held to clarify work arrangements. From October to December 2023, all responsible units will advance the implementation of various tasks in accordance with the work plan. At the end of December 2023, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission organized a phased evaluation of work progress, main practices and results, existing problems, etc. In 2024, the scope of “zero waste” work on takeaway plastics will be expanded in a timely manner.

4. Safeguard Measures

(1) Strengthen overall planning and coordination

The Provincial Development and Reform Commission strengthens overall planning and coordination, regularly schedules work progress, and supervises the implementation of work. Relevant provincial departments have strengthened cooperation in green design, green product certification, and takeout platform management. Relevant responsible units shall implement the main responsibilities, improve the working mechanism, clarify the division of responsibilities, and strengthen incentive measures to ensure that the pilot work achieves actual results.

(2) Improve the legal system

Incorporate the recycling of low-value recyclables, plastic pollution control and other related contents into policies and regulations related to the green and low-carbon transformation of Zhejiang Province, and clarify the rights and obligations of all parties and relevant penalties.

(3) Strengthen scientific and technological support

Guided by recyclability, easy recyclability, and biodegradability, we support the research and development and production of green materials for takeaway plastic packaging. Actively support and promote the formulation of relevant standards for take-out plastics and promote the green product labeling system for take-out plastics. Strengthen the construction of inspection and testing capabilities for alternative products.

(4) Improve element support

Support the production of plastic substitute products and the new expansion projects of key enterprises in the recycling of waste plastics and include them in major provincial industrial projects. Support projects that meet the requirements for green packaging R&D and production, specialized intelligent recycling facilities, large-scale utilization facility construction and other projects to apply for investment within the central budget.

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